Friday, September 25, 2020

Random Reflections On Today

It was breathtaking to watch the Ruth Bader Ginsburg memorial this morning.

The song was especially striking, "America, America, I gave my best to you."  How many of us can say that?  How many of us can say that, instead of "America, what more can you do for me?"  And so, thinking of service, what that means.  And one more step into it:  servant leadership, what does that mean?  And does anyone still think of those in government leadership as servants of the people?

And thinking of the story told on NPR, of how Ruth Bader Ginsburg finished first in her law school class, yet none of the prestigous New York law firms would hire her.  That led her into teaching and on a different path.  How she and Sandra Day O'Connor agreed that if they had been hired early on they would have ended up with those law firms yet instead ended up on the Supreme Court.

Wondering how many men realize that her commitment to gender equality meant that they too could realize equality.

Thinking about how my husband was so happy to have daughters.  How he felt that they would grow up equal, gender-wise.  And how all these years later, that hasn't happened for women.  Not that my daughters are that old, but old enough.

Loving the story on NPR about how when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was called from her child's school she would request that they call the father on a rotating basis.  Challenging their underlying assumption that a father's job was more important and he should not be interrupted.

The phrase "small but mighty" certainly applies here.  How fitting that a small but mighty woman could be recognized in this way in that place this morning.   


Angie said...

She truly was a beautiful force to be reckoned with. A magnificent voice has been silenced.

Joanne S said...

If we keep her memory alive- repeat her words- she will never be silent.