Sharon B posted February's challenge today in the form of a question: What are you old enough to remember? It seemed like a daunting prospect in terms of making a quilt, but on thinking about it further - this is going to be fun. Cindy and I were remembering just the other day about standing on the floor register on cold winter nights - it was so hot we could barely stand it. Yet if we moved away 12" it was terribly cold. So, I think a grid background would be an appropriate start.
And for finishing - my mother and most of her friends didn't quilt their quilt tops, they knotted them. It was a simple and efficient way to make a practical quilt. For this challenge, my quilt will be knotted. Now, that just leaves the rest.
This is my grandmother's cabinet, called a Hoosier cabinet now. I feel so lucky to have it. It was also in my mother's kitchen for many years.