Friday, October 30, 2009
The Day-Before-Halloween Friday Fill-Ins
1. It was a dark and stormy night, I'm going to say it was raining, not snowing. I'm not looking forward to driving in the snow. I'll need to put some weight in the back of my truck soon.
2. Everyone was really busy, so I offered to take the books myself. Or, maybe, the little old lady was having trouble getting to the library door, so I offered to take the books myself. Hope the old lady wasn't me.
3. Rushing out, I took a quick moment to admire the onions beside the edge of the flower bed. I planted them in the spring, they looked nice then, and now in fall they look pretty and green again. I'll probably dig them up soon.
4. What was that noise . . I think I heard a howl. I can't be sure, though. You hear all kinds of strange things on Halloween.
5. Shhh, listen, maybe that howl is actually a ghost. Maybe more than one. Here they come, around the corner, three of them, howling and floating along.
6. Trick or treat, give me something good to eat. Actually, I like something good to eat any day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to stopping on the way home to pick up some soup and a sandwich, tomorrow my plans include passing out candy, and Sunday I want to start Nora's Wizzard to Oz quilt.
Happy Friday, everyone.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I did get muslin for dyeing fabric for the church Advent wallhanging. The Advent theme is Bursting In and Breaking Out. The Leader material suggests a "purple cloth in a path-like shape shape, leading upwards to hanging stars, sun, and moon." Before it gets too cold, I need to dye about ten feet of purple and some gold. If I just wash the muslin, I'll feel like I've started. I may look for an embroidery design for stars. I'm picturing some metallic quilting too.
Steph said that when she and Nora went to the library last night they found a book called "Nora's Room" about a little red-headed girl. Steph said Nora absolutely loves it, and I'm looking forward to having a look.
Cincinnati Public Libraries have a tax increase on the upcoming ballot and there have been some interesting letters to the editor about whether libraries should have popular DVD's, video games, etc. I can see both sides, no surprise there, but I'd weigh in on the "yes, they should" side. It seems to me that not all library items should be "serious stuff" or books. These things get checked out, which to me is an indication that people use them.
This morning I'm embroidering the Martha Pullen work sample for November. Because of the orientation of the embroidery on the hoop, I'm not exactly centered . . . hmm, we'll see how important that is. I threaded the serger for the edges - my co-worker can thread it so quickly and it seems as if my fingers are so slow. Got to keep telling myself that at least I can do it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Guild Quilt Show
I volunteered to contribute scalloped potatoes and bread to the birthday meal but found out in the morning that I was scheduled to work at the boutique at my quilt guild's annual show at the Cincinnati Nature Center during the afternoon. Somehow I'd missed that information. So there were mashed potatoes from a box. I had no idea where the nature center was but found out that it isn't far from Steph's. It looks like a wonderful place - I'm going back for sure.
If I hadn't been working at the event I wouldn't have gone and would have missed out on a wonderful show. It's just three days and I was working during the first two. And between reading at church in the morning, joining friends for lunch, and going to Steph and Mike's in the evening, I would have declared the day full enough. As it was, I left right after church and got there just in time.
I really wish that (1) I'd taken some pictures. I left my camera in the car, thinking that pictures probably weren't permitted, which was incorrect. And (2) that I'd had a whole day in that room with just me and the quilts, no distractions, to just look and look. There were so many awesome quilts. So many good techniques.
Between the sunny autumn day and seeing many people heading for the hiking trails, some really nice handmade things in the Nature Center gift shop, and the quilt show itself, I feel like yesterday was a day that will provide a bookmark for days to come. Three of the guild members came over to me when I arrived and said they'd been wondering why I didn't have anything in the show. Next year, for sure.
Since I had many potatoes and all the other ingredients, I'm making scalloped potatoes and pork roast for Steph and Mike tonight.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday Fill-In # 147
1. The crickets sing, they rub their wings, listen to the chorus.
2. I hope it's a satisfying day wherever you are. I hope you make something, even if it's just a scribble. I hope you walk, even if it's just through the grocery store. I hope you admire the fall weater, even if it's raining.
3. I want to get far away from the city. The beach would be preferable, at least two weeks' worth, but the mountains would do too, at least one week's worth. I enjoy living where I do, but a different space for awhile would be such a luxury.
4. I was riding a bus; the first part of it was a normal bus with seats in rows but in the back there was a room with easy chairs, carpeting, pillows, and a fireplace; this was a dream. Don't know what it all means, except maybe if I hadn't explored I never would have known that nice area existed.
5. But as for me, I want a peaceful life. I want to wear fleeces and jeans and thermal shirts as we go into cool weather. I want a few pieces of art-y jewelry. (But I want my nice sewing machines and the wonderful things that go with them.)
6. Things were a little chaotic in the home I come from. No doubt that's why my sister and I like uncluttered spaces. Doesn't always happen for me, but that's what I like.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to coming home from work and intentionally trying to take it easy and get over this annoying crud that's been with me this week, tomorrow my plans include a busy day at work, and Sunday I want to read Psalm 126 at church.
Happy Friday, everyone.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pajama Time
Another nice thing about the library is that it's just around the corner from Graeter's. I've learned from Steph to offer Nora just two choices, so I offered chocolate chip and blueberry pie. Nora predictably chose chocolate chip although she said she'd try blueberry pie next time. She always likes to do a little mixing with her chocolate chip and my raspberry sorbet.
Today I finished Aaron's scarecrow costume. Don't know about the hat, I decided to cut corners and get a premade witch hat at the $ store. They only had green, orange, and purple, no black. The saving grace is that it was spider webs on it, which is a nice tie-in to Nora's witch cape with spiders. Now we'll see if (1) it fits and (2) he'll wear it.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sewing Machines
Before today, I was limited to embroidering design collections already on d-cards, but now I have a d-card Reader/Writer and can download designs from CD's or the internet on my personal d-card. My Quilt Designer II doesn't have all the bells and whistles like my newer machine, but combined with my software it can do lots. Now I can embroider on two machines at once or keep on embroidering even though I'm using the newer machine for sewing. I feel like my world has opened up a little. And yes, I'm spoiled, I know that.
Ever since I got my first Singer at Sears in 1968, complete with zig zag as well as straight stitch, I've been lucky to have had nice sewing machines. That first Singer was $88, and I still remember buying it, as well as the machines that came afterward.
My single sewing machine regret is that I didn't get my mother's machine when she died. My brother offered it to me but I was in transition then and didn't want an older machine in a cabinet. Now I wish I had it so I could make quilts on her machine like she did. I do realize that I'm being nostalgic and wouldn't really be happy with the hard-to-manage tension and the front-loading bobbin.
Oh, and I do have another sewing machine regret. I wish I'd gotten better machines for my daughters. Lesson learned, perhaps, for when I get a machine for Nora, which I'd sure I will.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Beauty and the Beast
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday Fill-In # 146
1. So are we going to see Beauty and the Beast tonight? Yes we are - at the Taft Theatre, Steph, Nora, 'n me.
2. The holidays are what's up ahead. What happened? In July it seemed so safe, like I could do a little holiday project here and a little one there. All of a sudden, it seems so late for doing those projects. Yikes. Last year I only got three ornaments on my tree. Surely I can do better this year.
3. I love to sew. Is anyone suprised? And I love to read, cook, hike, enjoy the grandkids.
4. I want to take a class or quilting retreat of some sort.
5. I walk a lot less than I'd like to, and I need to find time to build it into my day, but I'm not and I feel really bad about that.
6. Diet Coke is the true elixer of life. I wish I could just drink it all day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm planning to see Beauty and the Beast (see # 1), tomorrow my plans include working, and Sunday I want to find the raffia for Aaron's scarescrow costume. And watch the Bengals. It's been so fun all week while they were # 1, but Sunday's a new game.
Happy Friday, everyone.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Witch's Cape
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday night
Instead, though, I've been working on this table runner, made on the serger. It's quilt as you go and reversible, easy as can possibly be, but I'm still feeling very accomplished to have actually made something on the serger. Tomorrow it will get a binding (on the sewing machine.)
I was feeling pretty pleased that I was baking those cookies in a timely fashion and made a couple dozen extra besides when I remembered that tomorrow is church potluck. Sigh. I had a few minutes of feeling discouraged because I can't seem to get everything together but then I remembered that I have a couple of loaves of banana bread in the freezer. And a couple of those big cans of sweet potatoes that can easily be turned into something yummy in the morning with time to spare for making a couple of turkey blocks. Life is good again.
Friday, October 9, 2009
It had been way too long since I did any free motion quilting and it was fun to sit down with it. I'd forgotten how long it takes, though, especially since I like a pretty tight design.
Now I'm off to check the first lesson of a new on-line class. I struggle with getting the lessons done in a timely fashion, but I really wanted to try with this one. We'll see - more on this later.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday Fill-In # 145
1. Sweet dreams - I love them. Enjoy remembering them the next day. I wish I knew more about dreaming.
2. It's fun to have treats made especially for me (since I'm the one who ends up with them.) California rolls for dinner, Greater's strawberry sorbet, some kind of snack mix from the bins at the Fresh Market. Hmmmmm, my treats are all food related.
3. Silliness is something I don't do often now but remember doing as a child. Sticking my nose in the jar of freshly ground horseradish, eating snow, loving those kid jokes.
4. I'm going to decorate a little more this Halloween. I enjoy seeing houses with flashing pumpkins, autumn flags, even those blow-up yard decorations. I won't have any of those, but I do want more pumpkins, more mums, some pansies.
5. Outstanding or not, I like pizza. And there's a new pizza restaurant downtown that I want to try. But for lunch in a pinch, I get a frozen pizza at the dollar store and I like that too. For really good pizza, there's nothing like LaRosa's and Dewey's.
6. Some good sleep and maybe sweet dreams (see # 1) is what I want right now! When I was a young mother I never got enough sleep. Now I'm a live-alone grandmother and I still never get enough sleep. There is always something I want to do before bedtime or before work in the morning. And I really wouldn't want it any other way.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe picking up a small pizza at that new pizza restaurant, tomorrow my plans include working then starting Nora's Halloween costume, and Sunday I want to watch those cardiac Bengals again. Bad as last Sunday was, I didn't learn my lesson. Every Sunday, there's fresh hope.
Happy Friday, everyone.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Movies Before Noon
Monday, October 5, 2009
The beige linen napkins have a monogram above the bells, covered up because Christmas is coming and someone is going to have a nice present. Husqvarna Viking Embroidery Club 144. The table runner is a Martha Pullen project made with white linen.
All these are going to work for awhile, then coming back home. More projects to come.
I'm developing an appreciation for thrift store items that can be taken apart and made into something else. So fun. Today I found a black and white skirt with a few sequins that is sure to have a new life.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Family First Saturday
Steph very nicely dressed Nora in a dress I made for her.
Then there were collages to make on paper plates. I love the way Nora hums when she's happy and engaged, and she's humming here.
For me, a highlight of her stay was introducing her to the sewing machine I got her. I have no pictures, but I took the thread out of the machine and she sat on my lap and guided lines on paper under the needle while I pressed the pressure foot. I think that next time we'll use thread and fabric, still with me on the pressure foot. I've heard that sewing skips a generation, in which case, Nora's up.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday Fill-In # 144
1. I have a history of procrastination. Not necessarily because I'm putting things off, more often because I'm thinking about how to proceed with something I'm unfamiliar with. Eventually even I get tired of processing information and just want it done.
2. How to achieve balance in all things is something I wish I knew.
3. I'm eating (or recently ate) nothing yet, although I'm drinking Diet Coke (are you surprised.?) Last night I had a quesadilla with a spinach tortilla and some kind of white cheese from my refrigerator and black olives. Come to think of it, there's one piece left. . .
4. I tend to eat junk food when I'm on the road. Good thing I'm not on the road all that often.
5. So that's it, that's all the natural/light beige linen Hancock had on three bolts last night, and I got all three pieces. I got to realizing it may not be available during the winter months. It was only about eight yards total and it was half off.
6. A little of something is better than nothing! I don't subscribe to the theory that a little of something (love, dessert, good times, etc.) will just make you realize how much you want it so it's better to ignore it.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm planning to do something relaxing (since I'm not working this weekend I'm thinking of it as kind of a retreat weekend,) tomorrow my plans include going to the Art Museum for Family Day, and Sunday I want to have all my work samples finished. And some time this weekend, I want to lay out another garden space for next year.
Happy Friday, everyone.