Brother Carlton and sister Cindy
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday Fill-In # 74
Today's Friday Fill-Ins answers are in bold.
1. For me, no time or structure to think and try new things is the opposite of creativity.
2. Loving Frank was the last excellent book I read. It's a fictional story about Frank Lloyd Wright and his mistress, a really good read with a surprise ending.
3. I like fill-ins because they give me a chance to get out of my head and write about things that I normally might not. For example, I love to read, but almost never mention what I'm reading.
4. I nature, I like looking at the ocean. In stressful times, I always long for the beach. Or, the mountains. I look at the Smokies web camera almost every day and try to imagine myself there. Right now, it's totally overcast.
5. I don't know who should win the US elections. I'm really disappointed with what I perceive of as the lack of good leadership candidates. After the GW years, we really need a strong, experienced, non-egotistical leader. And I don't see one.
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was - I'm sure it was with one of the grandkids. They light up my life, for sure.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to quilting the border on my quilt (and maybe putting on the binding as well,) tomorrow my plans include going to Bluffton, Ohio, for the funeral of my 96-year-old aunt. She was the last one remaining of my dad's sibblings and their spouses. My sister is coming from Lancaster, Pa, and I haven't seen her for ages and ages and I'm so looking forward to seeing her. Sunday I want to go to church then do something fun and relaxing.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Batiks and Ecovillage
My waxing and dyeing and wax removing from my last two batik pieces is complete. The little birds below had three dyeings. The little purple ones are hard to see, but if you click on the photo to enlarge it you might find them.
On Sunday, I saw that the little natural building beside the Sustainability and Environmental Studies House at the Berea College Ecovillage looks complete. Phil Hawn worked long and hard on it. It's made of four natural building materials - slip straw, cordwood, cob, and bagged earth. It has a green roof and, if I remember right, a stone floor. It looks so attractive - good job, Phil. The last I heard, it will be used for potting plants and housing gardening supplies.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday Flowers
The campus at Berea College looked lovely for graduation on Sunday, as it always does. Take a look at roses at Seabury Center,
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Drop In
Yesterday brought a drop-in visit from the family on their way home from the zoo. Everybody was in a happy mood, with stories of zoo babies and merry-go-round rides.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today I finally got started on my batiking lessons, just when everyone else is finishing. It took me awhile to get all the supplies together and think it all through. And at the end of the day, I had one lesson finished and parts of the other three as well.
Here's my new little fry pan with soy wax. I fooled around for awhile thinking I could locate a used pan at Goodwill or at a yard sale since it won't be used for anything except wax but finally gave up on that. I used soy wax, even though it wasn't suggested, and I'm glad I did - it was very clean and behaved well. In the picture it hasn't melted yet, it's little wax shavings
Sunday, May 25, 2008
To Berea
Today I put on a float-y skirk and sandals and went to Berea (KY) for graduation.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Shoe Shoppin'
Tonight Steph and I went clothes and shoe shopping for ourselves, but luck wasn't with us. We did find some great buys on little girls' shoes, though. We were really excited about one find. When we got home, Steph had Nora hide her eyes
Friday, May 23, 2008
Friday Fill-In # 73
Time for some Friday Fill-Ins. Answers in bold.
On my laziest day, I like to read all day and eat a real breakfast. Preferably a book I can't put down and scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast.
Going grocery shopping makes me feel like I'm being productive. It's the business of getting out, bringing home nourishing goodies, unpacking things. My grandmother used to say that as long as she could "push the cart" she was still getting along ok.
This summer I want to make my yard look pretty. Or, at least mowed. So far, it's been slow going, but hey, I've been busy.
Red dyes and orange dyes. Dyes of all colors, actually, but red and orange are my favs. Forest green and black, not so much, but still good.
And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to WalMart shopping that I've put off forever, tomorrow my plans include working from 9 - 5, and Sunday I want to go to Berea for graduation. My international host student from Jamaca is graduating, as well as some special student parents. Should be a great day.
Happy weekend, everyone.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Quilt Pictures
It's been awhile since I've had any quilt pictures because . . . well, there weren't any. I've been holding on, trying to at least do the postcards.
Today I have a few pictures - it was a good day. My circular quilt got a sparkly binding a few days ago and some beads today.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wednesday Potluck
Today is a potluck of various subjects, just a little about each.
Hey, Steph, there's a rabbit on your porch. (I work about a block for a house where Steph used to live, and I saw the rabbit when walking by at lunchtime.)
These glorious roses were on a corner in downtown Newport.