Some memories are just so good that they need to be revisited.
Seven years ago, the baseball All Star game was in Cincinnati. Preceded by painted moustaches around town and the big ESPN trucks rolling in behind the stadium.
On All Star parade day, the grands and I parked on my side of the river and walked across the Roebling Bridge, which was closed to traffic that day. A real treat since that bridge has metal grating that "sings" when cars drive over it and it offered glimpses of the river through the holes.
Our parade spot was close to a group of guys who would call greetings to the players in their convertibles. The players would then turn and wave, and the kids loved that.
Coming back, a storm was coming up and the river water misted through the gratings. And then the storm really arrived and we ducked into a check cashing place to wait it out. On the way home we marveled at the tree limbs scattered on the streets and yards.
That night we walked across the river again to sit in Cincinnati's Fountain Square and watch the game on the big tv. It was like the best party. Aaron lost a tooth during the game, to the delight of an older man sitting near by.
It was just the best day.