Thursday, September 3, 2020

Aqua Binding

Cupcake mix recipe # 1 is finished!  After it was quilted, I knew I wanted an aqua binding.  I have so much fabric that I'm a little embarrassed but no piece of aqua long enough for a binding.  Probably because I love aqua and use it up almost as fast as I get it.

Shout out to my local quilt shop, Just Sew in Fort Thomas, KY.  I placed an online order and fifteen minutes later they called to say it was ready.  (The quilt shop is small and in-person shopping is by appointment during COVID.)  I could just drive down the street and pick up my little bag with the fabric and a spool of white thread.

For my out of town friends, I'll just add that their website is super friendly and their shipping is just $5.

After my political musings yesterday, it seems only appropriate that the collection with the aqua I chose is Cultivate Kindness.

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