Saturday, September 19, 2020

Out in the Evening


I am almost never out in the evening.  It just doesn't happen.  I have nowhere to go.

But, ah, last night.  That band showcase.  It started at 8:00 so I was  actually out after dark.  It was so enjoyable sitting in the stands, listening to the music, then watching the performance that would have happened at football games and competitions.

The audience was in such a good mood.  Lots of clapping.  Maybe everyone was happy to have somewhere to go on a Friday night.

In the picture above, Nora is the drum major closest to us as the band came onto the field.

After the event, Nora came over to say hello and I took a picture from above.  It shows off her sparkly uniform and gloves.

There was one downside to the evening.  Just before the music started my phone dinged with the news that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died.  She lived such a good life, fought the good fight.  I hope that women all over this country appreciate what she did for usI worry that women (and men) may get wrapped up in politics and not stop to learn and appreciate her history.

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