Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Trick of Treat?


Not sure if there will be any Trick or Treat folks coming this year - even in a "regular" year there aren't many.  I always hopefully buy some good candy just in case.  The governor's press conference suggested putting out little piles of candy for the children to pick up.  I guess that will work.

My neighbor's oak tree is huge but the acorns are tiny.  My driveway slopes down.  You get the idea.  I spent a while this afternoon raking out leaves and those bitty acorns.  Tomorrow I'll probably sweep the driveway.  Those little acorns are like marbles and I don't want any accidents.

Quilting has been putting sashing strips between the star blocks.  With little checkerboards where the sashings join.  In a perfect world, everything would just line up, but in my imperfect world I'm doing it in little bits to make sure that everything fits.

I'm enjoying the hammering from my neighbor-behind-me's house.  He's either putting on a big deck or adding a room to the back of his house.  I'm guessing it's a deck.  

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