Friday, August 23, 2019

Sequins and Beads

No creativity here, but the zen-ness is nice.  Catch a sequin with the needle, catch a bead, stitch down.  Repeat and repeat and repeat.  Maybe this stocking will be ready for this Christmas.  Maybe not.

Back in the day, I enjoyed stitching the Bucilla calendars with sequins and beads.  I gave them to my grandmother, who had few sparkles in her life, by choice I think.  I hope she liked the calendars, at least she said she did.  She would hang them in her kitchen.

My grandmother's life was simple.  Corn flakes, then shredded wheat when the corn flakes ran out.  Then corn flakes again  .  Sugar cookies in the big tin, then molasses cookies.  Then sugar cookies again.  Pink peppermints in the drawer, then white peppermints.  Then pink again.

She never had hot water in her house, she would heat water for bathing and dishes on the stove.  I remember the excitement of the new electric stove replacing the kerosene stove.

She made it a habit to never eat between meals.  It just wasn't done.  Except for one memorable time when the ice cream truck came by and she got ice cream bars for both of us.  So out of character, both the treat and eating it then, in the afternoon.

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