Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Football Jersey Repair

My favorite kind of mending.  Triangle tear on a football jersey back that would only get worse as it got tugged on - the season is still young.  I told the mom that the mend wouldn't be beautiful but that no one would glance at her son and say, "Oh, your jersey was torn and mended."

Last week I fixed a jacket and said the same thing, "It won't be beautiful but . . ." and the woman said, "You always say that but it always looks good."

My flower beds are a disaster.  It hasn't rained much for weeks now.  And I haven't weeded.  In a couple of days it should cool down, maybe the rains will come, and I can get to weeding.  And when fall comes, plant some pretty fall things.

I've read The Nickel Boys and will take it back to the library today.  It is an uneasy read, but I knew it would be.  Definitely worth spending time with. 

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