Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fill-In # 173

Here are the Friday Fill-Ins on a rainy Friday morning.

1. Where are my good intentions to be well on my way to having a pretty yard by this time of the spring? Instead I have weeds and leaves in the flower beds and a new bed only about 1/3 started. With rain all weekend, I won't get much done to correct that. I did get the grass mowed last night and (hurray) remembered to put stabilizer in the gas can that I filled up. I used to start my own plants inside with grow lights and have such a pretty yard. I wonder now how I had time for all that.

2. If wishes were horses, I'd need lots of oats. I have lots of wishes.

3. I'd like to see the wildflowers in the Smokies. Two years ago I went to the Smokies with Bridget and Helen in the spring and there were so many different wildflowers. The creeks were roaring, which they always do, but they were especially exuberant in the spring. We stayed in a little motel right on a creek and the motel had a coffee shop that had a wonderful veggie sandwich on the menu. There was a fire ring outside our back door - just like camping with soft beds and good food.

4. When I was a teen, I thought that my family would be around forever. Now I'd like to go back and pay better attention to some things and ask some questions.

5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was . . . . . my mother wasn't big on sayings, but my grandmother would say, "things can't always be the same." I think of that often. She meant that change would need to be dealt with, although I think of change as bringing newness.

6. I'd have a hard time doing without my sewing machine(s). I get up early in the morning just to be sure I'll get my sewing in. If I'm not sewing, then I'm figuring out what to make next. This morning I finished a shimmery little thread basket and the colors are so pretty.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm planning to stay home and catch-up on some projects and assignments, tomorrow my plans include a trip to the art store (where did that come from? It just popped into my head.), and Sunday I want to have everything ready for Journey Group at my house.

Happy Friday, everyone.

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