Thursday, January 29, 2009

January Journal Quilt

One of my goals for the year is to do a journal quilt every month. I couldn't find a challenge I wanted to join, so I decided to do my own.

This is January's.

You'll notice a dark background for this dark month, rough edges and a "covered up" area toward the bottom which is hard to see in the photo.

There are things to represent a large look back at 2008, lists of goals for 2009, snowflakes and a snowdrift,

Christmas projects finished, Christmas cards mailed,

a string of lights for the Festival of Lights, a movie ticket from Benjamin Button

and a ray of hope with the inaugaration of the new president.

I had thought I'd put the journal quilts in a binder, but I find that I like this after all and will put a binding on it. Like life, it ends up all fitting together.

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