Friday, December 31, 2021

Content Evening


Wishing you, tonight, a content and safe New Year's Eve.  I'm wearing my new Christmas pajama pants, new Christmas socks, and am enjoying this evening.

It wasn't the Christmas we planned.  My precious granddaughter came down with Covid the a few days  before Christmas, and she was sick  Not hospital sick, but sick with fever, headache, and muscle aches, no taste or smell.  Sore throat.

And so, Christmas Eve was transferring gifts and food in the driveway, wearing masks.  Waving to Nora above in her bedroom.  Lots of pictures flying back and forth between the two families.  Last year's Christmas was food and gifts in the back yard - I'm glad I didn't know then what this Christmas would be a similar year.

And so, on this day, I'm so grateful that Nora is feeling better and that no one else in her family has been sick, despite a day's car drive with her.  That my North Carolina family is safely back home. 

Oh, and that the mysterious loud scary sound in the middle of last night turned out to be air in the lines in the furnace.  There was a water main break down the street and the water was shut off.  And that this morning the furnace settled down to running normally just as I was about the call the repair person

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