Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Come Wednesday

If you only read part of this wonderful poem today, read the last stanza.  It was not written for this election, but the words are just as powerful.


Hasan Davis

Come Wednesday

I will kiss my partner good morning,

Turn on the hallway lights

Then, wake my kids for school.

Come Wednesday

I will return to my unfinished Tuesday work on behalf of all children and families in America.

Come Wednesday

My America will not have fallen into chaos, even if my candidates did not win the seats of power.

Come Wednesday

I will accept the election of new leaders

As a statement from those who chose to be heard.

But, I will not accept their election as a raging scream

Powerful enough to drown out the voices and rights of all the "other" Americans

Because my America is greater than 

The rhetoric of fear that spews

Uncorked from all orifices of this political body.

And my America is stronger than these identity politics seeking every nook and cranny of human difference

Desperate to widen the gaps within U.S.

Come Wednesday

I will walk another mile with people

Who do not look like me.

Come Wednesday

I will discuss our future potential with people

Who do not talk like me.

Come Wednesday

I will choose to offer an affirming hug or strong supporting hand

To anyone who may have need of them,

Even if they never imagined we could stand taller together.

Come Wednesday

I will still be an American from the South.

Come Wednesday

I will still be an American of African descent.

Come Wednesday

I will still be a proud American who has:

Meditated with Buddha,

Fasted with Allah,

Lit candles with Yahweh, and

Prayed with God

And I will never feel

an imposter,

or betrayer,

or fool for doing so.

So, Come Wednesday

I guess I will keep my own promise of

Making America Greater, again

Just like I have done at the break of every other new day 

I have been blessed to meet.

Come Wednesday

I hope you wake with the courage and the grace

To walk another mile with me.


Angie said...

My brain is frazzled and frayed. No, I didn't sleep well last night, and I got up way too early for me. Coherent thoughts escape me...but this poem deeply touches me. I don't know that I can do these things, but I have huge respect for whoever penned this, and whoever and rise to these challenges. I must admit I'm deeply discouraged today. Maybe tomorrow...

Angie said...

See, I told you my brain is frazzled and frayed had it plainly set out who penned this poem. :D