Friday, March 8, 2019

Joanne Collaboration

Pieced by Joanne.  And quilted by me.  Joanne said she got the print with the little animals at Goodwill - can you believe it?

Nora's class left in the early morning hours for their trip to DC.  All day I wondered about the expected snow during their departure, but it didn't happen.  From Women Rowing North, "It's not time to worry about that yet."

Joanne suggested random prayers during Lent for people I see when I'm out and about.  I've always prayed for the people whose cars are abandoned on the interstate, but her idea is a good one.  A prayer for the person waiting for the bus, the person with the back pack and sleeping bag, the person taking a cigarette break.

And for my own soul, more music, which doesn't come naturally to me.  And so, a little music every day, plus looking at lyrics to favorite hymns.  So, for today, Mary's Magnificat:

My soul is filled with joy,
as I sing to God my savior:
You have looked upon your servant,
You have visited your people

And Holy is your name,
through all generations!
Everlasting is your mercy
to the people you have chosen,
and Holy is your name.

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