Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I tried out the colors for my class project - I'll need to make a few changes but I'm pretty set to go on. I used an old drawing, and there have been some updates but they'll be easy to incorporate.

Melody at Fibermania is having her second February quilt challenge. Since I loved last year's challenge, I've been looking forward to this one. This year's challenge is to make the quilt you've always wanted to make.

That required some thinking. I finally looked at my tub of scraps and decided I'd been saving them faithfully for a scrap quilt so the time must be here. I can't quite decide how to get started but I do know that
(1) it will have beads, and
(2) there will be free motion quilted with no stippling.

I need to decide soon how to do this. February is a short month.

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