Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 122

Love the Friday Fill-ins. Here we go - answers are in bold.

1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is avoid the politics. And bring the snacks.

2. I can't remember ever eating clams. Maybe some day.

3. When I think of carnivals, I think of happy kids riding and shrieking. And tired moms and dads with cameras. Mmmm, and cotton candy.

4. Pansies are my favorite spring flower. And my favorite fall flower. Who would think that those delicate flowers can often winter over? My aunt can get them to summer over too, but I'm not as good a gardener as she is.

5. Things on my desk include a digital camera, desk calendar, journals, a church directory, an issue of the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society, a copy of Quilters Newsletter Magazine, a Home Sew catalog, some mysterious pattern instructions, a square of copper for a project, a glue stick, my laptop, and a whole raft of USB cables.

6. Summer makes me wanna head for the riverbank, or the ballpark, or the campground. Or just outside. One of my year's resolutions is to make my back porch pretty, and toward that goal I found a nice outdoor rug today. Next: pretty planters of flowers.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I plan to celebrate the first of May, tomorrow my plans include working, and Sunday I want to visit with my cousin Bill, who will be in town from Chicago, then do some kind of real art project.

Happy Friday, everyone.


Anonymous said...

I can't get passed the way clams look like snot to put them in my mouth.

I am definitely GLAD-glad-GLAD it's finally May. I don't think I could handle another minute of wintery weather. Maybe now it'll settle down and be nice.

I wrote mine on Anarchists, Carnies and Skanks, Oh My!Have a great weekend :-D

Yvonne said...

I so agree with your first answer!

Have a great weekend!

Melanie said...

Love your #6! Have a great weekend!

Sarah said...

Well, here it's definitely raining, after a morning of glorious sunshine. I just saw the neighbour coming out of the door, making a sour face and going back in again. This first May is as grey and rainy our first day of summer.

Hope you'll get your planter's summer weather soon :)
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with number 1.

Have a great weekend :)

Auntie Q said...

"And bring the snacks." :) Great answer for 6!