Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not Tonight

I thought sure I'd have something pretty to post tonight. One of my projects is . . . oh, so close. But just as I was (1) turning on the studio lights, and (2) musing on what to have for dinner, I got a call asking whether I'd forgotten the church Worship Committee meeting.

I hadn't actually forgotten it, just wrote it on my calendar for tomorrow night in the usual Wednesday slot. And now I do kind of remember the discussion six weeks ago to have it on Tuesday this time so we could do last-minute planning for the Maundy Thursday service without it being quite so last minute. What really stuck in my mind, though, was volunteering to make soup for the supper before the service and I have the ingredients for that.

So it was in the truck and across the Big Mac bridge for me and here I am, back just before bedtime, nibbling on cottage cheese and crackers and being happy that I can stay home tomorrow night. No project to show, though.

I wonder, do I need to ponder on my absent-mindedness, or as my sister would say, dreaminess? Or should I just write it off as one of the several such occurances this week. I think it's going to be the latter. Maybe a creative mind shouldn't be too precise anyway.

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