Thursday, February 26, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 113

Answers for the Friday Fill-In questions are in bold.

1. I'm wishing my sister a happy birthday this week, I'm mailing her card today, I have yet to get her present. With my wonderful sister the pressure is off because she's notoriously late herself. And I love getting a surprise from her weeks after the date.

2. Why do I have Viking sewing machines and not Pfaff or Bernina or something else? It's all about the auto tension. In the six years since I've had a Viking machine, I've never even had to think about the tension, much less do any adjusting. Not even once.

3. How does this IPOD work anyway? I figure it out, then I don't use it for awhile and realize I've forgotten how it works all over again.

4. Every morning, I put walnuts on my oatmeal, unless I have some good fruit instead. Of course, both is even better.

5. I consider myself lucky because I have enough of everything I need, I'm healthy, I'm blessed with a wonderful family, and I have a creative life. And because there are more books out there than I could ever hope to read, I don't need to worry about running out.

6. One day we'll see good public transportation, renewable energy, and people not even thinking twice about conserving. People will know where their electricity comes from, and we won't be taking the tops off of any mountains to get the coal.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to piecing the quilt you saw yesterday, tomorrow my plans include spending time with Aaron in the evening while his family goes to the circus (sorry, Aaron, your time for the circus and all kinds of things is coming,) and Sunday I want to see the movie The Reader. Sarah's told me it's good and it got an Oscar. It's been out for awhile and I want to see it while it's still at the Levee.

Happy Friday, everyone.


Daisy @ Our Growing Family said...

So, I thought I would give the FFI a chance and tried it out this week. :) I always enjoy reading yours. And it's fun to see how differently we answered the questions this week, since I did it, too. I hope you don't mind that I linked to your blog. Let me know if you would rather me not! Thanks, Connie!

Janet said...

I loved your answer to #5 :-)