Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-In # 101

Here are this week's Friday Fill-Ins. Answers are in bold.

1. It seems like it should be the other way around. This Tuesday in Frankfort, Kentucky, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth is sponsoring "I Love Mountains." It's a chance for Kentucky citizens to "let legislators know that we do not give permission to coal companies to use Kentucky's streams as their waste dumps." Even though I know that the coal companies have pretty much always had their way in Kentucky, it seems like they should be the ones begging to remove tops of mountains and polute streams instead of citizens begging them not to.

2. Clean up your mess when you're done, please. That's what I try to tell myself all the time. Without the "please."

3. If I thought you were feeling a little down, I'd try to make you a little something. Maybe some cookies, maybe a little sewing or art project.

4. Your kindness is what I think of most when I think of you. Kindness and civility are big with me.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means a chance to decorate with a little red. I'm always looking for a chance to decorate with something red.

6. Introspection and creating and spirituality give me strength. All three of them, and in no particular order. They're my core.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm just going to be happy that the workshop I'm teaching today is over, tomorrow my plans include going to Mike and Steph's and taking a shrimp ring and Mimosa makings, and Sunday I want to go to Kenwood Mall with Steph. Nora is going to a birthday party there and I'm looking forward to just walking around and people-watching. I'm not a big mall fan, but Kenwood is fun every now and then just because it's so big and there are stores I don't usually see. The Container Store just opened near there - I'd never heard of it before and can't imagine what it must be like. I have a feeling it's for organized people.

Happy Friday, everyone.


NoBS said...

I'm feeling "a little down"! Can I have COOKIES!!!

Janet said...

hehehe I'm a wanna be organized person, and I love the container store! Don't buy much there...but it's fun to wander around and look :-)