Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ice Cream

Today's postcard. I need to prepare for a presentation about altering the way fabric looks, so there will be a series of postcards demonstrating that. Yesterday's was red potato bag netting fused to a brown fabric. Today's is Angelina fibers fused to pink hand dye.

Friday night at the gallery was fun, but eventually we all needed a break and went outside to see what was going on.

Sarah and Nora had headed out first, and we spotted them on the corner at Schneider's Sweet Shop. For those of you who are non-locals, Schneider's is a local shop with wonderful handmade candy and ice cream.

Looks like Nora's smiling. It's only been recently that she would eat ice cream,

but she's making up for lost time.

Holly tried out chocolate ice cream and Helen got a vanilla malt.

Today Aaron got his turn to try. We went to Family Fest on the river, then to Gold Star Chili and Graeter's. We were filling up Sarah on the tastes of Cincinnati before she headed back to Asheville.

Aaron liked vanilla ice cream just fine with few reservations about taste or temperature.

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