Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today's postcard

Time for a little experimenting. The first is homemade potato dextrin, made in the blender. I've had this pretty red blender for several years, long before the red retro kitchen. Somehow I couldn't resist it, even though I rarely use a blender. It must have been a subliminal look ahead.

I poured it on the fabric, where it sat in the basement a couple of days refusing to dry because the basement was way too humid. This morning I moved it outside, where there is more drying going on, but also an influx of flies. The idea is that after it dries I'll put dye on top and it will go into the crackles. The jury is obviously still out.

This one went much faster. I stacked six layers of silk and painted the top layer with SetAColor paint.

It dried quicklly and each layer was a little different, both because of the varying backgrounds and because of the amount of paint that moved through the layers.

Of course, I never know what to do with silk so this may have a limited application. The basic idea was from Susan Stein's Fabric Art Workshop, and she calls it lasagna dyeing.

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