Sunday, November 4, 2007

We Made It, Mom

Last night Steph and Mike were having some friends over and Nora and Aaron were spending the night at my house. It's near by in case they (well, Aaron) needed Mom. I got to their house to find Aaron happy under his gym. Nora joined him for a minute.

If you're wondering whether Aaron really goes have blue eyes, yes he does. Nora's are dark brown.
We stayed long enough for the kids to say hello to a few guests. Here's Helen with Nora

and Bridget with Aaron.

Nora fell asleep late after watching Cinderella once again

And Aaron slept through the night. Here he is in the buzzy seat in the morning.

We did it.

1 comment:

JessWildfire said...

Sounds like everything went great for your slumber party, Connie!:-)