Saturday, January 13, 2024

Starting Again

 It's been a long time, folks.  But having gone through a major health event over the past weeks, I realize I want to reclaim my life and blogging may be a part of that.  Plus it's a new year.

I imagine that my posts will ramble, touching on what's happened, documenting my progress, helping me ground myself in the present.

And so, we'll start here, with learning to put pictures on this new laptop, then getting them to you.

Yesterday I made fried apples.  I've always loved them, had never made them.  Being aware now of just how much butter and sugar goes into them, I may love them a little less, or not.  Making them was actually easy, and they are so good.

You will see, going forward, that food and cooking are a big deal for me right now.  We can talk more about that later.


Angie said...

So happy to see you back! I wondered...I too have been through a huge health event in 2023 and food is playing a large part in that right now too. I am trying set what 2023 has been on my blog just to try and wrap my mind around what has happened. Those apples look delicious. Sugar and butter may be your hurdles, mine is sodium. I am struggling with such a tiny amount of salt a day. Salt is in EVERTHING, and a lot of it. *sigh*. So good to see you again!

Joanne S said...

Apples look amazingly delicious......I might have to make some for myself!!!!!!