Friday, January 26, 2024



I probably mentioned - I've been banished from the basement by my daughters because of the steep stairs.  

Because my washer and dryer are in the basement, my local daughter has been doing my laundry on Saturdays.  

But today the outside temperature is fifty degrees, and it isn't raining, so I decided to try the experiment I've been thinking about - going out the front door, down the steps to the street, then down my driveway into the basement.

My sheets are now in the washer and I fee like I've taken one more step toward independence.  

Having said that, I have been feeling little motivation for the past couple of days.  My pulse ox is giving good readings, my blood pressure is good, no real reason for this as far as I can tell.  I've read an entire book, worked on a new puzzle, cleaned my kitchen, and that's about it.  I'm hoping that this laundry experiment will help me move forward again.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Big steps Connie!