Saturday, January 20, 2024

Winter View

The view out my window these days.  I was trying for a picture of the cozy house up the street, with its pretty lights at dusk.

But this view is good enough, snow, finally, and with the cold it's staying for a while.  Icicles hanging from my steep roof.

Today was grocery pick-up day, and I have all kinds of good things to cook in the days ahead.  Plus, fourteen frozen meals frow my Medicare Advantage plan arrived, packed in dry ice, ready to go in the freezer.  I think that the people who crunch the numbers have determined that when people, who have been hospitalized for a time, are eating well they are less likely to be re-hospitalized.  It's all about the money.

And some lovely church friends are bringing lunches as well.  which means seeing their faces and having my soul fed as well.

I'm happy to be eating again like a normal person, not always so hungry like I was when I came home from rehab.  I'd eat meals and snacks and then wake up hungry at night, eating crackers before going back to sleep.

And reindeer chow - I saw a picture of that when I was in the hospital and it looked amazing.  My daughter made some when I got home and I ate so much of it those first days home.  I told myself that it was sort of healthy because it had peanut butter, nuts rice chex, but it also had lots of powdered sugar and M&M''s.

I'm actually considering making a Valentine version.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I am enjoying Chex Mix as well. Purchased and not prepared.
Salty, sugary etc.
I am pleased you got meals Advantage Plan doesn't have that benefit.
Humana does. But my plan has many things going for it that I would not want to give up.