Monday, January 15, 2024



By the time I got to rehab I realized, in my still somewhat scrambled mind, that a new laptop would be important in my recovery.  For various reasons, the most important being downstairs computer access. And second, it was a delayed purchase anyway.

The first two rehab nights, when sleep was strange (Covid?) and night blended into day, I puzzled over what would be important in this purchase.  Lots of looking up laptops on Amazon.  Finally I pushed the button and ordered one.  Actually, I accidentally ordered two, but luckily Amazon returns aren't difficult.

Now I can happily sit with my laptop being - actually - in my lap.  In my living room.  In my bedroom.

Way up there for me is being able to journal in the mornings.  I took Julia Cameron's advice to write Morning Pages seriously, have done it for years.  (You can look up her book The Artist's Way.)  I've always liked the idea that my journaling disappears from sight, it feels more private somehow when the document is closed and out of sight.

But here's another thing - I can now stream Netflix and Prime on the laptop and start catching up on movies and shows that are all new to me.  Somehow seeing them in a smaller format, at closer range, is more attractive to me than watching on tv.  My evenings will be more interesting.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

This particular post has me ALMOST READY to buy a laptop ....
I just do not want to get too involved with it....I just post, then make a few comments (not often) and that's it. I never go back to the desktop unless I want to order a book from the library.

I rarely turn on the tv unless for MSNBC- less now with Trump TALK but do try and watch
Law and Order when it's on....and it HASN"T been on. BONES is on and I liked it long ago but not now.
Less and less need for the computer as the weeks pass.