Thursday, January 25, 2024

Real Person


Yesterday I decided that I just needed to try getting out and driving my car.  The idea of driving was starting to feel a little daunting - what I call getting bigger in my head.  I told myself that I could just drive around the block if it didn't feel right.

And the driving was fine.  Despite not doing it for seven weeks it felt like yesterday.  I'll need to review some of the car's more obscure features, like the cruise control buttons, which I rarely use any way.

I went to the nursing home to visit my friend, to the Smoothie King drive through, to the library to pick up a book on hold.

In retrospect, just one of those things would probably have been enough.  I was tired by the time I got up the steps and back into my house.  That part was humbling.  

But the feeling of being like a real person again - that feels amazing.


Diana said...

You are one of the "realist" people I know--so glad to hear that you are doing better!

Angie said...

Good for you!! After only driving a handfull of times during most of this past year I had moved from finding the thought of driving 'daunting' to 'intimidating'. I finally just had to take a deep breath and jump in. I wish I could say I find driving just something that I do frequently rather than still dreading it. But there is a ton of traffic right here where I live. It will take me a while to be comfortable again, but I'm working on it. You are an inspiration!