Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Am I The Only One?

This isn't my picture, it's my daughter Sarah's, but I love it.

It's the day for picking up and putting away things that have been hanging around and should't be.  The last of the Christmas orphans that suddenly reappear long after Christmas.  The towels from the pre-Easter visit.  Winter coats put away.  Finally, puzzle glue on Nora's puzzle put together at New Year's.  Tiny Easter quilt in the kitchen swapped out.  The sewing bag from last week's retreat brought in from the car.  

Except, oh, no, I see one Christmas item hanging out on my desk.  A fun, late purchase.  It's tiny so I guess it can stay for awhile.

Am I the only one who lets things get behind?  Sometimes it feels that way.  I looked outside and saw the garden flag with snow and cardinals.  That's just asking for weather trouble. 

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

There is Nothing as satisfying as a brick walkway built brick by brick