Saturday, February 6, 2010

Don't Know Where It's Going

Day six of Quilt Along With Melody.

Some of the participants have lots of blocks and Melody has an entire quilt top, but I'm happy with my six blocks. Especially since six blocks cut into fourths makes 24 blocks.

I don't know where my quilt is going, except that I'm sure it will have a different arrangement than this. (OK, I do know that block two, row two, has the wrong orientation.) Some quilters have put their blocks on point and I like that look - we'll see.

Even though I don't know where it is going, I do know WHERE it is going. Behind my desk in my office. I look at a beige wall and I want to look at color. I'm picturing this quilt, maybe four feet by eight feet, filling up the space behind the desk. Maybe with a new desk lamp.

I've been pretty quiet about New Year's Resolutions this year, thinking them through as the year begins. One I'm sure of is that by year's end I want more color in my house. More color in every room. I work with color every day but have little color surrounding me. I'm ready for that now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really pretty.