Sunday, October 14, 2007

Getting An Early Start

Tomorrow is Blog Action Day, when bloggers are encouraged to blog about a specific topic. Since this year's topic is the environment, I'm starting a day early and will continue tomorrow.

I'm going to start with recycling, which is a good place to jump in. If you've never recycled, start looking for the containers in meeting areas and rest areas. Toss in your empty soda bottles and cans. At home, start with checking out where you can take your recycled items. If you have to pay a little extra for curbside recycling, go for it. It's not that much. If you have to take things to the recycling center, save your recycled items and go.

If you've never recycled, start with your rinsed milk jugs. It's easy, you don't have to worry about getting it wrong, and those milk jugs may end up in carpets, roofs, and decking.

So, why am I asking you to start small? If you want to start out full scale, that's great, all the bretter. But for everyone else, we know that changing just one part of your behavior changes the way you think about yourself. You'll begin thinking that you can do something for the environment. Start anywhere, but start.

If you're already recycling, eyeball your recycling and your trash and aim to have both about equal. It's really doable if you're recycling newspapers, cereal and food boxes, plastics, metal cans, and aluminum.

That's what I have today, but there will be more tomorrow.

It's a tough year for the Bengals, but it was fun watching the game at Bridget's. I only lasted three quarters - after awhile I have enough bad foodball. (But how about that Kentucky game last night? Three overtimes. My neighbor went, and I think his car floated back up I-75.)

Bridget fixed ginger chicken, really delicious. Here's Bridget with her mom Peggy, and Aaron of course.

I've always heard rave reviews about Peggy's cakes. She made an apricot cream cake today - wow, so good.

1 comment:

JessWildfire said...

thanks,Connie, for the "green" inspiration and of course I love the personal leadership lesson of changing one small thing at a time which slowly changes your paradigm. Love all the quilt pics--it's like you're the quilting Van Gogh these days!