Saturday, March 30, 2024

Oh Happy Day


Yesterday was a happy day.

My new shoes came.  Note to self:  don't wait so long to replace shoes.  The new ones, which are the same style and model as the old ones, except for color, have so much more cushion and support.

It was my daughter's birthday, kind of.  She was born on a Good Friday.  I don't remember her ever having an actual birthday on Good Friday, so she gets a bonus birthday.

I noticed that there is now enough sunlight, on sunny days, for my back porch solar lights to light up in the evening, at least for a while.  That string of lights is such a joy for me.

When I was cleaning in the living room I found a lost earring under an ottoman.  A found earring is a treasure.

And one thing more - the bottle of gummy multivitamins is now empty.  After my intubation it was hard to swallow the regular vitamins and I had a big bottle of gummies.  Now the bottle is empty and swallowing is easy and natural once again.

It was a good day.

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