Saturday, October 9, 2021

It Really Is Saturday


Some sweet small napkins with soft fabric left from a curtain project.  The serger three-thread narrow overlock is my favorite finish for this kind of thing.

This morning I got an email from a friend asking if I was going to church in person today or watching on facebook.  There was more than a moment of panic.  I'm the worship leader this Sunday and I was still in pajamas. I had to print out the materials (not a small deal with my old cantankerous printer), not to mention practicing a few times.  And the drive/parking takes at least 25 minutes.  

I must have checked my phone and fitbit ten times to reassure myself that yes, it really is Saturday.

But somehow the gift of all that is that this day stretches out so nicely and whatever I do seems like a bonus.  Like these napkins.  And putting together half the blocks on a baby quilt.  Making a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast - don't judge me.  

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