After a week of feeling yucky, I'm glad to see Friday come. Here are Friday Fill-Ins.
Answers are in bold.
1. One of the best concerts/movies/plays I ever saw that I didn't think I'd like was Juno. I thought it would be a teen flick, but it was great.
2. Panera corn chowder with a portobello foccacia sandwich is a meal I recently ordered that was delicious. I could eat it every night. The corn chowder is heavenly.
3. It's time for cleaning up the yard, and the house, too. Both currently represent the frazzled state of the owner. Luckily, that's one of the things in life that can be redone. Of course, it also comes undone.
4. Mike's Hard Lemonade is quite refreshing. I really love beer, almost all beer, but usually end up with a stuffed up head when I drink one. Same with wine. I'm looking for an alternative.
5. If I never hear the words "and she was just too busy being fabulous, too busy to think about us" it will be too long. That song played over and over on the radio at work and I was so.o.o. tired of it.
6. To one side of a curving road was a cut-away rock cliff and on the other side was a drop-off as the cliff continued on down, with a gorgeous view of woods and farms in the distance. We're going to my little farm in Jackson County, Kentucky.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a visit with my daughter Sarah who got a ride from Asheville, North Carolina, tomorrow my plans include family visits, I'm not sure what we'll be doing, but I'm sure Sarah will enjoy playing with Nora and Aaron and it's a day off work for me, and Sunday I want to maybe work on the house and yard (see # 3) depending on when Sarah leaves. In my perfect world everything would be all spiffed up when company comes, but my world is less than perfect.
Happy Friday, everyone.
My world's not perfect either. Come see my answers.
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I loved Juno, too. That meal sounds delicious! Have fun this weekend and thanks for playing :-)
I LOVED JUNO!!!!!! Except teen pregnancy rose after it was released. :o(
Have a great weekend!
Stop by when you have a chance!
I love Juno too... and it makes me think about the future of my kids.
enjoy your weekend!
here's mine... thanks!
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