Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hand Sewing

A mother-of-the-bride dress that needed a temporary hem for a small outdoor wedding. 

For whatever reason, hand work soothes me these days.  I wonder, what would it be like to have a comfortable chair in my studio for reading and hand sewing.  And yet, there is something nice about sitting on the living room sofa in front of the window with daylight coming in.

Two medical follow-ups for eyes and wrist this week, both went well.  The wrist doctor said that I have good movement, that restarting physical therapy for me now is not worth the risk of virus exposure, just keep doing what I've been doing.  And so I will.

In April when the eye surgeon's office called to reschedule dates, there were eight appointments.  It was a little overwhelming, after all those weeks of being at home.  Now my calendar for the next couple of weeks is empty, and I like to look at the emptiness that I can fill up as I wish.

Today Amazon will be delivering a big container of Tide pods.  I bought a similar container with my grocery pick-up a couple of weeks ago but they have disappeared.  How could I have misplaced a big bright orange container?  When I find them, I can do laundry from now until Christmas.

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