Saturday, November 12, 2022

Reairs One and Two

I was asked to repair the quarter-sized hole in this quilt, that has daisies scattered around.  This is the repair, with a new daisy.  Because the quilt is two-sided, I was careful to change the color of the bobbin thread when I changed the top.

Only thing is, during one of the thread changes, the edge of the quilt flipped under the hoop and was embroidered down.  That led to several thousand tiny stitches removed and then repair number two on the quilt edge.

I'm showing the edge from arm's length, when the repair hardly shows at all.  There is some machine darning and satin stitch repair.  Up close it's more visible, and I feel bad about that.  Pretty sure, though, that anyone who does a lot of machine embroidery has had at least one similar thing happen.

Luckily for me, cotton is more forgiving than knits when it comes to taking out embroidery stitches so this had minimal damage.

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