Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fall Miscellaneous

One last lovely sunset before the rain starts tonight and the temperatures drop.  The picture is disappointing, the sunset was really pink and orange and gorgeous.

Maybe soon my pictures will be prettier - I need to replace my iphone 6.  The battery has no life at all.  Well, maybe an hour.

Thank you to my friends in Pennsylvania.  You know who you are.  You came up big.

Thank you to my friends in Kentucky.  You know who you are.  Rand Paul is back, but the abortion amendment didn't pass, and I'm proud, and a little surprised, about that.

I had one last day of working in the yard.  There is always more that could be done, of course, but this is enough and I am very content with what I've accomplished.

My neighbor's big oak tree looks barren of leaves, the raking is over for this year.  

Last night at the end of the day I was too weary to go to the basement to get my sheets out of the dryer so I put on flannel sheets from the linen closet.  I kept waking up in the night, thinking that they felt really weird.

The rain should start during the night tonight, and we need it.  It is so, so dry.

At the end of the day, I sat on the porch steps and drank a West Side Holiday Ale.  When I bought it I thought I was buying a holiday beer from West Sixth.  This is ok, though.

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