Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November Banner


From now until Advent.  Once again, I wasn't happy with how this looked, not enough contrast, but people seemed to like it so I probably won't do any adjustments.

November 1, and that feels exciting.  Trick or Treat was like usual - maybe six little ones.  A group of six older kids walked on by - were my eight steps too daunting?  Hey, guys, I had the good candy!

I'm planning on using this week's warm weather to finish my yard work.  It's that almost magical time of year when we have warm temperatures prior to the final cool down.

How can this be?  Maybe ten days ago I was tearing some foil from the roll when I got a "foil" cut from the edge of the roll.  Like a paper cut.  It kept hurting and I realized that there was a tiny foil splinter in my finger.  Just so happens that I have lots of needles that can be used for splinter extraction.

Why do we use needles and not pins for splinters?  Are they slimmer?  And is it really necessary to sterilize the needle with the flame from a match?

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