Thursday, September 27, 2018

Welcome Flowers

Flowers from my second Jeanine Babich Welcome Banner, shown below.

Instead of piecing little black and white squares, I used a patterned black and white fabric, which made the start of the banner much faster.  I accidentally made a few extra flowers, and that was nice too.

I have been checking the news from time to time for the Christine Blasey Ford testimony.  I am sad, there can be no good outcome that I can see today.  But, how I admire her courage.  I don't have that kind of courage, I know that.  I have courage in other ways, but not courage to answer questions for four hours before a national audience or courage to tell my story before senators with a president ready to tweet.

I hope, contrary to what I have heard, that every senator is watching today with an open mind, listening to both sides of the story and hearing the words.  Watching the faces.  Paying attention.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

What a lovely way to greet guests at your front door.