Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Maps Reveal

Maps.  The theme for the Twelve by Twelve May 1 reveal.  In January a few of us decided to form a small online group to play along, but now, in May, there are just two of us.  Joanne has posted her quilt in this new 12" x 20" format.  Check it out.

Ancient maps were vague because the view of the world was vague.  Sometimes more writing with some vague shapes.  That's my bottom "layer."  A very few years ago, we got maps before we planned a trip.  Studied them.  Looked at the roads and the cities and the grid lines.  When we got home we put them in a drawer to save them for the next time.  Those maps were my next layer.

But now . . . the GPS has come to the fore.  The paper maps stay in the drawer and we follow the voice and pay attention to the arrows and watch our car go up the "road."  Our world view can be very precise and we even use google maps for a picture of where we're going.

You can check back a few posts if you're curious about some of the musing behind this quilt.    

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