Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Should I Plant More?


Roasted yellow squash from my container garden.  Yellow squash is my favorite vegetable.  I even planted several plants in the actual garden bed.

I wonder, is it too late to plant more?  The seed packet says "Harvest in about 55 days.  There's time.  I have an unused bed in the back yard that might just work even if the soil isn't ideal.

This variety is called Rise and Shine Hybrid and it's supposed to grow vertically, spreading out into a large bushy plant.  Sometimes I've been disappointed in new plant varieties, but I love this one.

I try to not often be political on this blog but I saw a comment today that's too good to not pass on:  "JD Vance washes his cast iron skillet in the dishwasher."

Oh, and did you see that my governor is on the short list for vice presidential candidates?

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

OMG!!!! in the dishwasher?????
Well, my cast iron is oiled and wrapped in paper towels.
I am putting bacon on the Friday shopping list.....