Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Those Deer!

About a week ago I posted about Milo's tomato, planted in honor of one of the little brown  dog who loved cherry tomatoes.

Milos's tomato plant was growing so well, getting a few blossoms, and then the deer came.  Despite a cage and some varmit repellent, over two nights, Milo's tomato is half the size it was.  It will be ok, this is just a minor setback.  Hopefully.

Today at the hardware store, I got some Liquid Fence and more Miracle Grow.  On my way out the door, I noticed that the remaining plants on the sidewalk were marked "free."  Most weren't looking good at this point, but there were some hopeful little tomato plants.  And Milo whispered, "You have Liquid Fence now, get two."

I also got a hot pepper plant, just because it looked pretty good and should grow into a pretty plant. 

Hopefully the deer will now find somewhere else to go and stay away from the tomatoes.  And the precious pumpkin plants that are looking so good.


Angie said...

Same thing happened to my two little cherry tomato plants. :/. Hopefully your Milo :) plants will continue to grow and offer fruit, especially with your 'protections' nearby. :). I'm over here cheering them on.

Joanne S said...

If you happen to have netting materials in the fabric closet upstairs....I cover my plants with it over night. keeps the animals from eating everything. I also spread Blood Meal around which the larger animals (deer) do not enjoy smelling. I just go out at sunset and lay the netting over and clip edges with clothespins to weigh the netting down. in the morning I take it off. Now you might have 24/7 visits...and leaving the netting on is fine- the sun gets thru.