Monday, July 15, 2024

Look for the Little Squash


If you look closely, you'll see a couple of tiny squash.  There are actually three, one is in the back.

I've had another eye surgery to have the shunt tied off to give me more time to build up scar tissue so that when when the stitches dissolve the eye will retain its fluid.  That won' happen for another few weeks.

I've so enjoyed my garden and the evening watering.  One of my neighbors walked by and said that it looked really nice.  It may not have been the gardening summer of my dreams, but the various containers and their flowers have been a joy.  They mix well with the grasses and day lilies plus a few other plants. 

I've planted a few pumpkin plants and their leaves will soon spread out as ground cover.  I'm even hoping for a pumpkin or two.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I wish I had started a few things in pots....I do have the ornamental containers but no squash or tomatoes.
Perhaps I will "do" that next summer?????