Saturday, February 10, 2024

Special Valentine


It was so special to get this Valentine in the mail from a very young friend.  As in, a first-grader friend.

How many of us remember the joy and anticipation of making Valentine boxes or bags to take to our classrooms in the week preceding Valentine's Day?  I think most parents encouraged their children to take a Valentine for everyone in the class, so everyone had lots of Valentines to open at the class party.

That class party was much looked forward to.  A time with no studies.  Some snacks, usually sweet.  And opening those cards.

If you haven't sent a Valentine, or two, yet, there is still just a little.time.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

I also am reminded of the Valentine box on my desk.... I was not so lucky to get very many so when my children did this I made sure each person in the class got one.