Monday, August 29, 2022

Comforter Top


The comforter I just finished piecing.  To be knotted with crochet thread for Mennonite Central Committee.  It's pretty improvisational, but there are a few unifying things.  There are alternating solid and print blocks, each row has three white blocks, and most rows have a pieced block.

I have all my strips pieced together for the next one, which may work out well or may not.  We'll see.

Here's the kind of thing I like to puzzle over.  I needed a bottle of vitamin D supplements.  They were $9.99 for 100 or $12.99 for 400, so of course I got 400.  (I realize it is privilege to be able to do that.)  And then they were buy one, get one, so now I have 800.

Now for the real puzzling:  What will my life look like by the time I need to order more?  What will I look like?

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

You'll look like you have strong bones......