Thursday, April 18, 2019

My neighbor brought me these Easter flowers, so nice.

Her husband helped me cut back the ornamental grasses and changed the oil in my mower.  Another neighbor power washed my sidewalk in exchange for using my mower.  I am learning to say "thank you" instead of saying I don't need help.

I've been quiet here - it seemed as if there wasn't much to talk about.  I've spent a lot of time taking five rows of tiny stitching holding elastic at the bottom legs of nylon sweats.  I'll tell the customer that I don't want to do any more of these - this is the second pair.  I think of this kind of things as a service, but I want to enjoy what I do too.  Even when the elastic is finally out, there is still serging and hemming.

I'm participating in a six-month study with Kroger and University of Cincinnati Health and had my first visit with the nutritionist.  I'll be in the group that meets with the nutritionist every two weeks.  Basically, we will follow the DASH diet, reducing fat and sodium.  Lots of fruits and vegetables.  I have learned about Baby Belle light cheese - the little round discs, and I love those, they're a great substitute for the higher fat cheeses.

Christina Cameli has a new book, Step by Step Texture Quilting.  If you like tight free motion quilting, it's a great resource.  You can learn more at her blog A Few Scraps

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