Saturday, December 9, 2017

It's Snowing . . .

. . . just not here.

This is Sarah at work at the North Carolina Arboretum.  Eventually the snow came too quickly for a blower and they had to switch to a plow.  Winter Lights was cancelled for the evening.

I hope she was able to get back into work this morning to start snow removal once again.

Here, it's cold.  I need to get out my warm winter coat.  But, no snow.  Maybe a bit this afternoon.

I've done well with my to-do lists lately, more about that another day, but yesterday afternoon I just gave it up, after my trip to the post office and the bank.  I have a good book that was calling me and I was just weary.  Weary.  My mother-in-law used to use that word, and I always think of her when I say it.

Saying a quick prayer for the people in California who are in the fire area.  I just can't imagine.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

Snowing here in Maine as well. and at work a co-worker got email from Pensacola Florida--snow.
What a CRAZY world.

I can't imagine what it is like in California right now. Prayers for rain.