Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Little Early

A little early, but Santa's deer are gathering.  

I noticed a car parked in the street, looking at my house, not much to see there, and then I noticed these three deer in the side yard.  After the car left, number four came walking up the street.  I'm guessing that they live at the park at the end of the street.

No sewing, no projects these days.  Other things keep trumping sewing.  Tomorrow, for sure, a little sewing.  I'm in to work today, so I'm sure to get some inspiration.

Last night I was reading about bad weather for the commute this morning, but all looks fine.  Or, not.  Just looked at my phone and it's snowing.  Too dark to actually see what's going on.  December 12, so we're almost at the winter solstice.  There will be more light.  If you're like me, that feels welcoming, exciting, even.  A promise.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

We haven't seen deer but Riley goes out in an agony of "hurry-open the door" so I know they have been in the yard. He smells them and has to race around to all the places they have been. Our deer are very large and eat everything at this time of year. The two tiny peach trees have chicken wire fences all around them so the deer can't eat the young branches.

The willow branches I cut a few days ago and stuck into a vase with water--are opening into little soft buds. the wrong time of year--but it's still a sweet promise that Winter isn't forever.