Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brown Scraps

The twelve birthday party Jedi robes are finished, and there are brown scraps here, there, and everywhere (and yes, I do cut out the big stuff on the floor.)  I think that as I pick up the scraps I'll cut them in 5" squares and put them in a plastic bag.  The day will come when I'll look at Quilter's Daily Deal at the Missouri Star Quilt Company and there will be a lovely charm pack that will coordinate well with brown.  And I'll push the button.

I took one of the robes with me for my little presentation about sergers at American Sewing Guild on Tuesday night.  I stressed to the ladies to not forget about oiling their sergers.  We are so spoiled by our nice pre-oiled sewing machines these days that we are apt to forget that sergers need oiling.  I'm probably a little over the top with it, but I probably oil about every five hours of serging - not taking any chances!

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