Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hanging System

You can admire the quilt if you want to - it's from a Quilt University class several years ago. Long enough ago that the corners aren't mitered. Recently enough that I can remember making it in my bedroom at the Berea College Ecovillage.
What we're really admiring today isn't the quilt but the hanging system, which is really just a Target curtain rod with little clips that are perfect for hanging small quilts. And swapping them out in a month or two. Perfect for my kitchen. Probably for your house, too.

I'm also the owner of a nifty new Craftsman stud finder. I had my usual moment of "you can't use that, you don't know how" followed by my usual moment of "any man can use it, I can too." Which is true, but I do wish the voice in my head would hush sometimes. All you have to do is drag the tool across the wall. Duh.

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